I hope you have already read all about me, Angela, the petite foodie mom behind The Short Order Cook. If you have not already, please check out the link to learn more - https://theshortordercook.com/meet-angela/.
But remember, behind every great foodie mom is a supportive husband and band of entertaining kids. I want to introduce you to my amazing, hungry, and funny family. We are always ready for an adventure, no matter if it is a night at home or a surprise trip to Disneyland. At the end of this page are some silly facts about our family that we hope you find funny and can relate to.
My Raider Family!
I met my husband at an Oakland Raiders game in 2002. Three years later we married and were ready to add to our family right away. It took us 3 years, 7 miscarriages, doctors in 3 countries, and a lot of tears later to finally welcome our twins into the world. They arrived at 25wk and 3 days and each was under 2#. Our son spent more than 4 months in the NICU and our daughter spent 3. The NICU is not for the weak but it brought us closer together. These twins are my heroes.
After so much heartache trying to have the twins, we were surprised to find out another one was on the way two years later. Baby makes 5 and we couldn't be more thankful. Through all the ups and downs, the family I have now is just where we belong, together. The outlook from here is nothing but greatness.
Family Vacations are the Best!
Here are some pictures of our family vacations and the fun we have together no matter where we are. We are in Lake Tahoe often and know Disneyland like the back of our hand. The kids have a new found love for Hawaii after their first trip in 2018. We hope as we take our next adventures we can share them with you.
Lake Tahoe
Disney Fantasy Cruise to the Caribbean
Disneyland for the Diamond Anniversary - 60 years
Maui 2018
** in case you are wondering, yes - I do own more than one pair of sandals!
Funny Facts About our Family
I could write all day about all our silly stories and wacky things said but I do not want to share that all now. It is always good to leave some mystery so I will only share a few things now. I am sure future posts will be written on this site as the new and humorous mishaps occur. Until then, here are 8 fun tidbits about those I share my home with.
Ian - my husband since 2005
- He is known as our "King of One-Liners"
- His favorite Thanksgiving memory is when his aunt served him PB&J under a serving dome
Enzo - twin born 1 minute before his sister
- Is a board breaking champion at his Tae Kwon Do school, so don't mess with him
- Would probably eat cinnamon or ketchup on just about anything but I will not allow both at the same time because that would just be bad parenting
Miley - twin born 1 oz heavier than her older brother
- Routinely gets in trouble at school and at the dinner table for sneaking a book to read
- Cannot eat anything with chocolate without it getting all over her face but anything else she eats she is immaculate
Landon -thinks he is a triplet and not the 3rd born
- Is a huge Avengers fan and listens to his cassette player like Star-Lord
- Would eat sushi rice every day for breakfast if I let him and thought it was amazing that McDonald's breakfasts in Hawaii included rice instead of hashbrowns
* bonus *
Leia - our Jack Russell terrier mix wonder dog
- Is part meerkat (not officially but it seems pretty obvious!)
- She likes to ride in the truck to drop the kids off at school in the morning
Meerkat Leia on patrol